Pastoral Womens Council

Ensure Students Graduate from Emanyata Secondary School Equipped to Succeed

  • Establish a comprehensive life skills, guidance, and counseling program for ESS girl students by 2022.

  • Aim for 90% of ESS students to achieve Division 1 to 3 in Form 2 and 4 national examinations by 2024.

  • Increase ESS enrollment by 30% by 2024.

  • Maintain ESS dropout rate at 0% by 2024.

  • Improve sanitation, staff/guest housing, and student dining facilities by 2024.

  • Strive for 70% of ESS students to pay their own school fees by 2024.

  • Promote community awareness and enrollment of children in the Pre-Form 1 program to make it self-sustaining.

  • Sponsor academically able girls to ESS and support high-performing female graduates’ tertiary education.

  • Enhance support from local traditional leaders.

  • Generate income from the school farm and other activities, aiming for self-sustainability by 2024.

  • Reinvest 80% of project profits for expansion and allocate 20% for bursaries and scholarships.

Protect Vulnerable Girls Through the Girl’s Rescue Centre

  • Legally register the Rescue Centre by 2020.

  • Expand accommodation capacity at the Rescue Centre by 20% by 2024.

  • Provide educational or vocational training plans for all girls at the Rescue Centre.

Build the Capacity of Schools to Provide Pastoralist Girls with a Safe, High-Quality Education

  • Establish beacon schools for literacy classes in three districts by 2024.

  • Strengthen 60 School Clubs through training and activities.

  • Train 900 teachers in improved teaching methods by 2024.

  • Train 60 School Committees with management plans in three districts.

  • Implement reporting mechanisms for child protection cases in 60 schools.

  • Conduct annual literacy assessments in primary schools to improve transition and performance.

Build Support for Quality Education for Pastoralist Girls

  • Train girls in advocacy through creative arts by 2022.

  • Raise awareness on education importance, sign child protection policies in communities.

  • Increase follow-up of reported child abuse cases in three districts.

  • Advocate for quality education in communities, with action plans.

  • Provide Quality Assurance reports for schools in three districts, leading to increased budgets.

These strategies collectively aim to enhance the education and well-being of pastoralist girls, ensuring they have the resources, support, and opportunities needed for a brighter future.