Pastoral Womens Council

Scaling pastoralists women’s economic empowerment interventions



Women who are in control of their own finances are more likely to invest in their children’s education and secure a better future for their families. We facilitate this through supporting pastoralist women to gain access to funds, financial advisory services, and productive resources.

ENGISHON Microfinance Ltd, a company originally established under the leadership of PWC, continues to expand. PWC under NORAD grant provided business boost grants to 80 VICOBA groups amounting to Tshs 1 million and has loaned 28 groups a total of USD 125,000 and 34 individuals USD 35,000. Total loan repayment is USD 92,000The company has now developed a five-year strategic business plan which outlines the strengths and opportunities that will be pursued and identifies the challenges and risk factors to be mitigated. The strategy will guide internal systems development which will bring about improved operational efficiency and effectiveness, stronger and more partnerships and help control costs. 

Village Community Banks (VICOBAs) are savings and loans groups, self-sufficient schemes that are led and sustained by the members. PWC has facilitated the establishment and strengthening of 452 VICOBAs across Monduli, Longido and Ngorongoro districts. The groups have total savings of UD 574,000. VICOBAs provide women with financial support to fund initiatives that enhance the wellbeing of their families through income generation, land and home ownership and investment in their children’s educations to provide them greater security for the future.