PWC participated in the National Education week which brought together education stakeholders from around Arusha District and PWC had the opportunity to present about our efforts in supporting pastoralists to access quality education and raising awareness of the importance of education. For 22 years, PWC has implemented initiatives that include: scholarships for girls to pursue secondary and tertiary education, teacher training and community development, child safeguarding and protection, and school improvement programmes to improve (especially girls) transition, retention, and performance. We were also invited to share our learning at the recently concluded Schools2030 forum. We were proud to receive the Arusha Regional Commissioners Office Education Stakeholder Award and we further commit to keep up our efforts to ensure that every pastoralist child, particularly girls, can access quality education and have the opportunity to improve their livelihoods and their communities.
PWC recently launched an exciting education project in Longido and Ngorongoro . The intervention is aimed at improving access to quality education, shifting norms and practices on education to be more inclusive for girls. The project intends to reach 2000 pastoralists and agro-pastoralist girls in five project schools and over the course of two and a half years to change oppressive social norms that hinder pastoralist girls from accessing, enrolling, and completing secondary school education. We are supporting five target schools to form Parents Teachers Associations (PTA) in an effort to increase collaboration and ensure quality, safe,
inclusive and gender responsive education. In this process we facilitate training of select group made up of teachers, parents and local and traditional leaders on their role in supporting their children to access quality education. Check out some reflections and highlights from the formation of PTAs here:
Our Engisoma II (Maasai word meaning Education) project aims to increase education and learning outcomes in northern Tanzania. The project’s goal is to improve access to quality formal education for pastoralist and agro-pastoralist girls and boys in Ngorongoro and Longido districts. The most recent tracking of activities implemented indicate that the rights clubs have kept up their schedules for meetings and that learners continue to value the space to explore relevant issues and gain self confidence and know their rights