Pastoral Womens Council

Updates from our Water Provision Initiatives

The majority of the communities we serve live in arid and semi-arid areas resulting in burdensome and time-consuming household chores and unpaid care work for indigenous and pastoralist women, especially in sourcing clean water. One of the ways in which PWC supports communities is by digging deep water boreholes and empowering community committees to manage the boreholes and water catchment areas. The boreholes support communities, address the effects of climate change, ensure access to clean water for livestock and domestic use, and reduce the time women and girls spend fetching water- enabling them to participate in income-generating and development activities.
We recently collaborated with government water department experts RUWASA to conduct an extensive scoping study to identify existing water sources and determine the needs in sixteen villages in Ngorongoro, Longido and Monduli. This helps better understand their needs and challenges, while it also proposes strategies to combat those challenges to ensure availability of clean water for human and livestock consumption.
In Ngorongoro District the study findings provide recommendations to drill a borehole in Piyaya and Engobereti villages; build a dam in Mondorosi, Piyaya, Masusu, Malambo villages; and improve the existing solar water system at the main source by constructing 50,000-liter reserve tanks in Engaresero village. In Longido District the study findings provide recommendations to drill boreholes in Leremeta, Ngoswa and Matale C villages and build a dam in Wosiwosi and Loondolwo villages. Finally, in Monduli District the study findings provide recommendations to drill boreholes in Makuyuni, Embaash, Baraka, and Indoinyonado Lepurko villages and construct a reserve water tank in Selela village. Additionally, there is a government water provision project headed by RUWASA due to start soon in Esilalei village.