Pastoral Womens Council

Climate Resilience & Adaptation

Posts related to PWCs climate resilience and adaptation initiatives

Nurturing Indigenous-led Solutions to Climate Change Adversities through Collaborative Planning and Resourcing of Grassroots Initiatives.

For the indigenous pastoralists Maasai of northern Tanzania, access and control of land (and the pasture and water on it) signifies life in its entirety. Land sustains their livestock which is their main livelihood and a central symbol of their social and cultural identity. Additionally land holds and safeguards their sacred sites and herbs of […]

Nurturing Indigenous-led Solutions to Climate Change Adversities through Collaborative Planning and Resourcing of Grassroots Initiatives. Read More »

Environmental Regeneration Efforts in Monduli, Northern Tanzania

Monduli is one of the seven districts of Arusha Region and covers a total area of 6,419 square kilometers. It is also one of Tanzania’s driest districts with temperatures ranging from 20°C to 35°C, while rainfall ranges from less than 500mm in the lowlands to 900mm in the highlands. The photos above were taken in

Environmental Regeneration Efforts in Monduli, Northern Tanzania Read More »